19 Feb 3rd Annual Defeat the Meat on March 4th
For the third year a row, men and women will line up with one intention in mind: to Defeat the Meat at Bethany Blues of Lewes! On Sunday, March 4th at 6:30PM get ready for the meatiest contest this side of the Indian River Inlet Bridge, as competitors prepare to eat their weight in pigs on a wing, and face off to take home the title of “Biggest Meat Defeater,” complete with a cash prize of $200, pigs on a wing for a year, and a truly magnificent Champion Belt!
Strohm Edwards, General Manager for the Lewes location, is looking forward to another year of rambunctious fun during this quirky contest. “If it’s one thing we love here, it’s a great time.” Edwards says, “What could be better than slathering tons of ribs with extra hot sauce and letting people go to town to see who can eat the most?”
For the third annual event, things are really heating up as Bethany Blues welcomes a new element to the competition: a special round for our First Responders. For an entry fee of $25, 20 local First Responders will go head to head to win the proceeds from the entry fee PLUS a 10% donation from the night’s sales to their department! Adding to the element of giving is something Bethany Blues loves to do, and the winner from the charitable round can (if they choose) re-enter the general competition just minutes later…if their stomach can take it!
If you’re not in shape to consume copious amounts of pigs on the wing, join the crowd in cheering on the First Responders and then the 20+ anticipated contestants as they eat their way through pans of piggies. Whoop it up for 13 minutes as eating enthusiasts use various competitive eating techniques to out-eat one another and take home all the glory, plus the sweet prizes.
Whoever reigns victorious will take home $200 cash as well as winning free pigs on the wing for an entire year. They can use that money to buy new pants, since we know this contest will end up being gut-busting, and possibly seam-ripping. There is also that amazing Champion Belt, which, clad with a surfing pig, should be enough incentive to enter this eating contest, no hesitations.
The third annual Defeat The Meat contest is going down on Sunday March 4th at Bethany Blues of Lewes. To enter the contest, call 302- 644-2500 and get signed up. The entry fee of $25, ($15 for VIP members). Spectators are free! On the big day, registration begins at 5PM and the rounds will kick off at 6:30PM.