30 Jan Bethany Blues Announces NOTHING for Valentine’s Day
Both Bethany Blues locations are excited to announce that they are basically doing nothing this Valentine’s Day!
This February 14th, if you are in the mood for romantic lighting, an intimate dinner, and a night to remember in your lover’s arms, then go somewhere else because at Bethany Blues, we aren’t doing that kind of Valentine’s Day. No, we aren’t doing a coursed dinner. No, we aren’t popping bottles of bubbly and serving them with dessert chocolate. We actually aren’t doing anything special, except for offering $5 crushes at both locations because even if you don’t have a special someone, we’ve got a crush on you.
And because we know that not everyone wants a card company to tell them how to spend a Wednesday night, the Bethany Beach location will be proceeding with their Wingo Bingo night just like they do every Wednesday. If you are part of the lonely hearts club, wings and $5 crushes make the perfect salve for your wounded heart.
The Lewes location will also be offering $5 crushes, with a bit of fire therapy on the side. If you’re in the mood for a bit more snark, head in to our Lewes location where you can burn those broken feelings to the ground.
How does burning a picture of your rotten, no good, cheating ex in our cozy Lewes fireplace sound? Awesome, right? The Lewes location will “burn ‘em if ya got ‘em.” We’re talking old cards, pictures of your ex, a list of grievances—if it’s paper, it’s good! Come and be a part of a new Valentine’s Day tradition that needs no plus one.
At Bethany Blues, we know that made-up holidays like Valentine’s Day can really get under people’s skin, and we’ve got your back. Come in to either Bethany Blues location on Wednesday, February 14th where you can dig into some great barbecue, and enjoy $5 crushes. If you’re in Bethany, enjoy our highly popular Wingo Bingo. And if you’re on the other side of the bridge, hit up Lewes, where you can burn an old love letter, and leave with a sense of satisfaction!